Drawing a simple map of the class in AI


  • New File
    – name it a way that makes sense.
    – 1 artboard, means one file to deal with.
    – chose letter, it should be printed normally.
    – no bleed in this case.
    – Advanced later…
  • Save the file on a place and with a name that will make you find it whenever you have to. Save it as a .pdf. This will ensure that you can open it in older AI versions as well and in other programs.
    .svg is great for internet use and compatible with other programs as well (such as Inkskape)
    .ai is ok but is totally limited to AI. But it’s always suggested as the first choice, so you have to switch.
  • Count the tables in room and look at their disposal
  • Draw a rectangle (M)
  • Get accustomed to push ⌘ + S (save automatically from time to time)
  • Set Stroke (Windows / stroke) color and size
    and Fill (transparent)
  • Grab the rectangle on the border (selection tool V)
    push alt and shift alt will double it, shift will keep it on the same axis.
    Playing around with those options will make you understand it easily.
    Now you’ve got two identical rectangles.
  • Choose both (V) and drag them to the direction you need, again pushing alt + shift.
  • Push ⌘ + D (Object / Transform / Transform again) and it will repeat the doubling as often as you push it. For this, the objects must remain selected, otherwise it does not remember your particular doubling step.


1.Screen Shot 2016-01-26 at 1.43.04 PM 2.Screen Shot 2016-01-26 at 1.43.25 PM


  • Repeat this until the classroom disposal is drawn. You can double more than you need and delete what is too much.
  • Open the layers window. There is only one layer with your rectangles. Lock it.
  • Add a new layer.
  • Choose the Type tool (T) and drag a box over the first rectangle.
  • Type a number.
  • Open the Character window (⌘ + T) and the Paragraph window (⌘ + alt +T)
    (or Window / Type / Submenu). In the first you set the Font, size and color in the second the alignment. Here, chose centered.
  • Place the Type box the way that the number is well centered.
    NOTE: For grabbing the Type box you have to click the select tool on the toolbar.
    The (V) key will just add a V when the text is active.


3.Screen Shot 2016-01-26 at 1.54.00 PM

  • Grab the rectangle on the border.
    push alt and shift and place the double above the neighbor rectangle.
  • Repeat this until each rectangle has it’s number box. Now go through each box and change the numbers ongoing.
  • Drag another Text field below your classroom drawing and assign the student’s name to it’s sitting place.
  • SAVE!!!

NOTE: The procedure would be exactly the same in InDesign. Only the doubledouble trick (⌘ + D) wouldn’t work. So, do it in AI.

Questions? Drop me a line jmucomputergraphics@gmail.com or come to office hours.

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