Crazy things people do in Photoshop


Any reproduced image we see today has probably gone through Photoshop. So, this program is an essential tool when you have to work with images on a creative level.

It has become so huge and complex within the last 20 years that many people make a living on just using a certain function of it and never touching others. But it is important to know about the basic functions for anyone who uses it.

You can always look up solutions to particular problems in tutorials.
But those tutorials will never replace your attention and active participation in class!

And there are no standard solutions to particular problems.
Being a professional means to establish your individual solutions and to customize your individual tools!

Anyway, e.g.

These kinds of procedures are based on basic tools we’ve seen in class such as

  • Different selections (rectangle, lassos (free, linear and magnetic)) (M, L)
  • Layers (note that the artist is almost only working on one layer, keeping the original document on another one as a resource.) (F7)
  • Mask mode for refined selections (Q)
  • Clone stamp (S)
  • Transform (⌘ + T)

and some more…
This tutorial has been created with CS 3, released almost 9 years ago. The basic approaches, menus and shortcuts have remained the same. Anyway, keep on staying updated.

The toolbar development throughout the years is showing that the basic functions have not changed so much. Things have become more complex but gotten a clearer structure.


© The Star on Eye Musical Federation LLC / George Clooney
© / Samuel Jones
All for strictly educational purposes only

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